
2mos agoupdate 35 00

Pixabay - Free high definition image video download, royalty free material library

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Pixabay is a globally renowned free photo and video sharing platform that provides high-quality royalty free media assets, including photos, illustrations, vectors, videos, music, and audio effects. Users can download these resources for free on Pixabay and use them for personal or commercial use without worrying about copyright issues.

Pixabay was originally founded in 2010 by a group of German photographers and video makers. It started as a private image collection website and has since grown into an interactive community that supports multiple languages. All content on the platform is published under the Pixabay license, allowing users to freely use, modify, and distribute it, including for commercial use.

Pixabay has a broad client base of bloggers, graphic designers, writers, journalists, and advertisers. The platform supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French, of which 27% are in English and 20% in Spanish.

Pixabay also provides an API interface that allows users to programmatically search and download resources. In addition, Pixabay allows users to upload their own work, and remove website ads after uploading more than ten images.

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