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Watch Netflix movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.

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Netflix is a streaming and original content production company headquartered in California, USA. It was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Initially, Netflix offered DVD rentals, allowing users to receive movies by mail. Over time, Netflix gradually transitioned to an online streaming service and eliminated physical carriers in favor of streaming Video-On-Demand services.

Netflix’s success is due to its unique business model and strategy, which includes a focus on content ownership, subscription services, data analytics, and global expansion. Netflix has attracted a large number of subscribers and expanded its reach globally by continuously investing in original content such as House of Cards, Game of Thrones, and more. As of 2021, Netflix has more than 200 million subscribers worldwide, covering more than 190 countries and regions.

Netflix has also made notable achievements in content creation. Since it began producing its own film and television content in 2011, it has produced thousands of original titles and won awards at several international film festivals. For example, Netflix’s documentary “The White Helmets” won an Academy Award, while the film “Rome” won four Oscars.

In addition, Netflix also enhances the user experience through a personalized recommender system, using big data analytics and machine learning algorithms to provide personalized movie and TV recommendations based on users’ viewing history and ratings. This personalized service not only improves user satisfaction, but also enhances user stickiness.

Netflix has achieved a leading position in streaming media through innovative business models and technological means, and continues to drive the development of the global entertainment industry by continuously expanding international markets and deepening content creation.

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